
Twitter tools

I don’t think much of tweet-deck. Maybe it’s because it uses Adobe Aero and who wants to install any more software than necessary and let’s face it: Twitter is still pretty useless…
I do however get “twats” to my Android phone, using both Twitgit and Twidroid. I will comment on the later some other day, cause it’s really well developed and free.
But I found a widget for the Google Homepage that works fantastic and keeps you up to date with the twats you receive – it’s intriguingly called ‘TwitterGadget’ and looks something like this:

Barr Limeade – worst softdrink I ever had

The other day I had to make a purchase in a convenience store, so I could pay for my Indian takout lunch.After trawling the store for 5 minutes, trying to find something cheap yet consumable, I opted for Barr’s Limeade. Who’s ever had a softdrink he ever bought that couldn’t be drunk? – Now I have…

– Posted using

From the BBC discussion page

As per tstaddon:

So, here’s a much better AND CHEAPER idea for Stephen Timms:

We know our village could partner up with a local company, to install and operate a community microwave broadband solution offering 16mbps broadband service to anyone who needs it (which could offer >50mbit broadband with minimal investment, in a couple of years’ time).

The projected cost to us to get this up and running, doesn’t even run into five figures.

We’d much rather have a grant to get that project up and running NOW, than twiddle our thumbs for a few years paying the 10p tax for the substandard infrastructure we have now so we can subsidise BT for giving places like Ebbsfleet and its brownfield trial sites in North London a better broadband service than they already have (even though their services are way better than ours).

We KNOW there’s no point holding our breath for the roll out of a network that’s ALREADY out of date in technology terms. We KNOW it will be even more out of date when (if) it ever gets to reach places like ours. And we KNOW we’ll be left till last by the major players.

So come on, Mr Timms. Show a bit of backbone. If BT and Virgin show no interest in upgrading the infrastructure in places like ours, for God’s sake don’t BRIBE them into doing it because it’s a waste of cash.

Outrageous UK Broadband Tax

It becomes increasingly likely that UK residents with a land line phone will be hit with a new tax. As of the beginning of the coming year, the new broadband tax will become effective and anyone, with or without internet access, will have to pay 50p per month to satisfy this new tax. This money then be squandered by politicians, contractors and sub-contractors… The only thing this money won’t be used on is fund the changes it is meant for.

But that’s not the problem, after all we are paying tax on cigarettes and that money doesn’t go to healthcare; we pay liquor tax and that money doesn’t go into healthcare either.. so why be upset that the 50p that we pay now might be used to fund weapons research?
No, the real problem here lies in the fact that a new tax is established and a ridiculous label is attached. If I think that this tax is being raised to fix the problem of broadband availabilty, but that it will never, ever disappear again, it makes me rather sad. I can see this tax being raised already: lower the VAT and raise the BBT… It’s awful. All the government is doing is masquerade it’s income. A little tax here and there is not as easy to track and understand as two income and value added that everybody is used to.

I would be hurt, but not upset or even outraged, if the government would raise the income tax. But to establish a completely new tax has only got one intention: being deciteful about it’s plans.

I read on various blogs and newspaper sites that the plan to build out the existing telephone lines to make them broadband compatible was too little and too late. There are various new technological solutions that would be much more cost efficient and would provide a better infrastructure for the future to build up on than copper wires in the ground.

But that aside, I just wanted to highlight the injustice, the undemocratic aspects of it, as only the BT gets the benefits from this tax (obviously what’s left after the administrative aparatus has taken it’s more than modest share). How can it be fair that Virgin is paying for it’s own lines and, like most other broadband provider, still has to rent lines from the BT – while the BT gets them free of charge from the government? Free to exploit their customers for years to come, free to monopolise and already heavily monopolised market.
This already creates an unfair environment that favours the BT, a company that made £2.5b profit in 2008, I might add!

Also consider that remote areas are exactly that: remote. If you live in a beautiful (or maybe less beautiful) place in the countryside, you should bloody well pay for the privilege of getting the 21st century out there. Is there an electricity tax because some houses in remote places don’t have electricity? What about water and other such commodities? It’s simply that people in remote places aren’t willing to upgrade… If they really wanted to, they could (but admittedly would have to pay more for someone that lives in London)! Again, to highlight the hypocrisy: I live in London and my cost of living and transport is that much higher – is the government taxing other areas heavier to make sure that everyone pays equally?

If this is such an important thing, why not use the money they already get from us? We pay quite a bit of tax already, but raise the tax by 0.00001% and I certainly wouldn’t mind. An additional charge infringes with my consumer rights: I shouldn’t be double charged for one service / product. For the same reason I don’t have Television – I refuse to pay that BS tax! I rather NOT have a service than pay a second time for it to someone that does NOTHING to maintain the service or provides an additional service that I rather not pay for.

In short, the best things to do in response to this are:
1. Write to BT, inform them that you will immediately leave them should they impose the tax on you
2. Write to Stephen Timms, the that is pushing forward with this programme. Contact here:
3. Indeed cancel your BT contract with immediate effect (once the tax goes through), thus freeing you from the burden of an inflated bill and use your mobile and get a USB internet connection.
4. Write to other MPs that are opposing the planned tax.

PHP function to exchange HTML characters

This is of course if htmlentities does not satisfy you

Ready for you to copy:

function html_strReplaceSymbols( $str) {
$str1 = str_replace( ‘&’, ‘&’, $str);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘ ‘, ‘ ’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘!’, ‘!’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘”‘, ‘"’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘$’, ‘$’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘%’, ‘%’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( “‘”, ‘'’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘(‘, ‘(’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘)’, ‘)’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘*’, ‘*’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘+’, ‘+’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘,’, ‘,’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘-‘, ‘-’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘.’, ‘.’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘/’, ‘/’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘:’, ‘:’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘<', '&#60;', $str1); $str1 = str_replace( '=', '&#61;', $str1); $str1 = str_replace( '>‘, ‘&#62;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘?’, ‘&#63;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘[‘, ‘&#91;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘\’, ‘&#92;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘]’, ‘&#93;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘^’, ‘&#94;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘_’, ‘&#95;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘`’, ‘&#96;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘{‘, ‘&#123;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘|’, ‘&#124;’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘}’, ‘&#125’, $str1);
$str1 = str_replace( ‘~’, ‘&#126’, $str1);
return $str1;

Quake Live now for Linux

I have been playing ID software’s ego shooter since the years of Doom. Back then I wasn’t really ‘hooked’ and found ego shooter a rather dull waste of time.

Although, I did went on playing Doom 2 and it’s franchise, but again for lack of something better to do.

When I first saw Quake with it’s very pixelated graphics, I immediately disliked it. It wasn’t until me and my friends started patching computers into a network, using Coax cables at the time, that I learned that mouseaim and strafing opened a new dimension to Doom legacy…
When I then saw the game in GL mode, I realised the potential the game had… Shadows and pixel free animation was such a great improvement to the game.

Shortly afterwards I got hooked. I played all the expansions, with my favourite one being Painkiller, a multiplayer only mod. It featured the can of beans (gave you 100 HP, but made you fart), the bear trap and the gravity orb. It was good fun and we had lots of laughs when we were playing it some years ago. I even played Alien Quake, which was so dark and scary, it made me jump everytime I saw (or could hear) and enemy.

I played SO much that I was by far the best in my league of friends. I started playing online, even went to a few tournaments and bigger events.

Then came the long awaited Quake 2 in 1997.

It was different. A lot different. Apart from my usual problem of not having a high end machine to play the game, it was also a lot slower then Quake. The rocket launcher was not as strong anymore, the
jumps didn’t seem to be as powerful (although I found out that they were better than in Quake, but way too late) and noone really wanted to spend much time playing it.
Needless to say, I finished my way through the story mode and then never played it again. I saw people playing it on LAN parties, but I stuck to good old Quake or played Blobby :)…

Two years later, in 1999, ID software released the best ego shooter the world has seen to this day: Quake 3 Arena.

But at the time it was out and new and people were playing it religiously, I didn’t have a computer that was able to support that game. In later years, when it was still ‘in’, my computer was good enough to play it and I developed some half way decent skills. I played with friends till the early dawn, went out and played on LAN party tournaments and even got into moderate ranks from time to time.

But I couldn’t play online (because T-Online didn’t have a proper ping). The usual mods came out, within them a few really good one: Challenge Pro Mode Arena, another Painkiller and the engine was used in pretty much any ego-shooter you could think of.
In the meantime, Quake 3 developed into somewhat of a religion. Even girls were starting to play Quake 3! But it got worse: people weren’t afraid anymore to admit to being excessive gamers, in fact some even painted to logo on their skin:

(but there were also pretty ones)

A few years later and I had a very decent Quake 3 able machine, but guess what: nobody played anymore :(… I found a few people to give me a game on rare occasions, but these poor guys had no Quake experience and lost constantly, even when I tried to let them win. I had moved countries twice and playing with the old team was nearly impossible.

Eventually I migrated to Linux and by that time discovered OpenArena, which was good fun and had a nice community, but that community was small and you often couldn’t get games going. Still, I was very fond of the usual playmates 🙂

In my frustration I tried Quake 4, a title I actually bought – don’t ask me why…

Until I heated rumors about Quake Live: Quake 3 but browser based! How cool was that idea? I got my beta account fairly quickly and even installed Windoze to play it, but eventually gave up on the dual boot, as I never started Windows. Now, another 7 month down the line, there is a Linux native Firefox plugin for Quake Live. My prayers to the ID software god have been heard!

I haven’t been playing all that much, as i hardly have time for it. It’s still a great game and it’s always good to play it with some familiar faces…
I hope you will join me online for some frags soon. Play the best ego shooter in your bowser: Quake Live! If you want to connect with me, my in-game name is: d3ngar (surprise!).

UVC webcam upside down image

I have a laptop with a buld-in webcam. This would normally be all well and good, but the damn thing has a problem with the picture being upside down…

If you have the same problem, here is the solution:

  1. Download the new uvcvideo from here and extract it.
  2. Extract the file (tar xjvf uvcvideo.tar.bz2)
  3. Get one of the patches: 1_mirrored, 1_notMirrored, 2_mirrored, 2_notMirrored (courtesy of arjos85)
  4. Save the patch in the folder ~/linux/drivers/media/video/uvc/uvc_video.c (~ is the path to the just downloaded and extracted driver)
  5. Then run: patch -p0 < [your_patch]
  6. Now build the module: make && make install
  7. load it with: modprobe uvcvideo

Now everything should be working correctly. Try it with Skype or Cheese!

Let me know if there were any problems…

Malware removal: PersonalAV

A friend of mine contacted me today with this issue:
PersonalAV – a malware programme she accidentally installed and can’t get rid of.

Here are some instructions to get rid of the programme, but I don’t know if it comes with any additional Trojans or something…

Step 1: Kill the running processes.

Go to the Task Manager:
right click on free space in the windows panel OR:
Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to get into a menu and choose the Task Manager

End the following processes:

Step 2: Remove registry keys:

Start > Run > ‘regedit’ > Enter.
Search for the following keys and remove them:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallPersonal Antivirus_is1
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet Explorer “PrS”
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “Personal Antivirus”

Step 3: Remove the programme files:

I have written two scripts that will do this work for you. Use either Windoze XP or Windoze Vista

You can also manually delete them:
c:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDesktopPersonal Antivirus.lnk
c:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsPersonal Antivirus
c:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsPersonal AntivirusPersonal Antivirus Home Page.lnk
c:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsPersonal AntivirusPersonal Antivirus.lnk
c:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsPersonal AntivirusPurchase License.lnk
%UserProfile%Application DataMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchPersonal Antivirus.lnk
%UserProfile%Application DataPersonal Antivirus
%UserProfile%Application DataPersonal Antivirussettings.ini
%UserProfile%Application DataPersonal Antivirusuill.ini
%UserProfile%Application DataPersonal Antivirusunins000.exe
%UserProfile%Application DataPersonal AntivirusUninstall Personal Antivirus.lnk
%UserProfile%Application DataPersonal Antivirusdb
%UserProfile%Application DataPersonal Antivirusdbconfig.cfg
%UserProfile%Application DataPersonal AntivirusdbTimeout.inf
%UserProfile%Application DataPersonal AntivirusdbUrls.inf
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftWindowslog.txt
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftWindowspguard.ini
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftWindowsservices.exe
c:Program FilesPersonal Antivirus
c:Program FilesPersonal Antivirusactivate.ico
c:Program FilesPersonal AntivirusExplorer.ico
c:Program FilesPersonal AntivirusPerAvir.exe
c:Program FilesPersonal Antivirusunins000.dat
c:Program FilesPersonal Antivirusuninstall.ico
c:Program FilesPersonal Antivirusworking.log
c:Program FilesPersonal Antivirusdb
c:Program FilesPersonal AntivirusdbDBInfo.ver
c:Program FilesPersonal Antivirusdbia080614.db
c:Program FilesPersonal Antivirusdbia080618x.db
c:Program FilesPersonal AntivirusLanguages
c:Program FilesPersonal AntivirusLanguagesIAEs.lng
c:Program FilesPersonal AntivirusLanguagesIAFr.lng
c:Program FilesPersonal AntivirusLanguagesIAGer.lng
c:Program FilesPersonal AntivirusLanguagesIAIt.lng
%UserProfile%Application DataMicrosoftWindowswinlogon.exe
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftInternet ExploreriGSh.png
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftInternet ExploreriMSh.png
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftInternet ExploreriPSh.png
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftInternet Exploreriv.exe
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftWindowslog.txt
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftWindowspguard.ini
%UserProfile%Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftWindowsservices.exe

Good luck!

However, if you don’t want to do all this and are contemplating reinstalling Windows anyways, make the right decision and install a different OS altogether…