VMWare Player – Have a second operating system & create your own appliance


If you want to try different Operating Systems before actually committing to a complete switch, you might have come across Virtual Machines. A Virtual Machine is essentially an emulated computer system inside your running Operating System.

As far as I know, there are two major virtual machine products on the market:

  1. Virtual Box – Which I tried, but had some problems getting some of my hardware working with… And:
  2. VMWare – Which has three product offerings: Server, Workstation and Player…

VMWare Player is free and there are versions for Windows and Linux available for download. There are also some ‘applications’ – pre-build virtual machines available for download…

However, you will discover that there is a small hurdle to overcome: You can’t create your own machine and if you do want to run Microsiff operating systems, you need to create your own appliance. This is where this site: EasyVMX is coming in handy. Simply fill in the information and download the empty virtual machine. This you will then be able to use to install your favourite operating system…

One last step:
Once you installed the Operating system, you will need the VMWare Tools to connect your Virtual Machine to your regular Operating System to allow things like file sharing… Again, these do not ship with VMWare Player. You will need to download server or workstation’s LINUX version.
In the tar-ball are the tools… Have a look for any additional *.iso files. Normally the name gives them away ‘Linux.iso’, ‘WinXP.iso’… something like that.

Either mount the iso in your virtual machine as a CD or you burn it and actually put in the CD…
If you do want to use an ISO as a Disk in your virtual machine, this can be very easily achieved with these settings in the *vmx file:

# Settings for physical CDROM drive:
ide1:0.present = “TRUE”
ide1:0.deviceType = “cdrom-raw”
ide1:0.startConnected = “TRUE”
ide1:0.fileName = “auto detect”
ide1:0.autodetect = “TRUE”

# Settings for iso as CD:
ide1:0.present = “TRUE”
ide1:0.fileName = “office.iso”
ide1:0.deviceType = “cdrom-image”
ide1:0.autodetect = “TRUE”

Have fun with your new virtual machine and let me know if you found this post useful…

How to re-encode videos using MPlayer


It often happens to me that I get sent a video and it turns out to be unnecessarily huge. I think nowadays people record videos with a digital camera or an older camcorder – but this isn’t really important…

If you use Windoze, there are probably hundreds of programmes that you could use to re-encode videos, provided you pay a license fee or steal the software. Linux however this comes free for all of us and it’s fairly easy to do from the trusty shell (console, prompt…). In addition you will find that you can change aspect ratio, frame rates and do other processing functions easily using MPlayer. In addition, MPlayer crosscodes nearly all media files, certainly most I have ever come across…

The prerequisit is that you get MPlayer and their codec-pack installed. You can find that here: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/. If you use ubuntu, you should be able to do something like:

sudo apt-get MPlayer

to install the player using the package manager.

Let me know if there is need for more detailed instructions on how to install MPlayer…

There are different codecs for re-encoding for both audio and video. It’s also not always possible to convert the audio part of a file into something much better – and why would you, it’s not going to sound better!

Next, we need the massive video file that we’d like to shrink. Simply navigate to the folder it is in. To encode with standard settings, using the liblav codec (for DivX), try this command:

mencoder -ovc lavc inputFile -oac mp3lame -o outputFile

This will re-encode the file, but this mightn’t be using the best settings for your needs, so I’m going to intruduce a few more features:

Need to fix a broken index in your video file:

mencoder -idx input.avi -ovc copy -oac copy -o output.avi

Want to merge a few media files? This is for you (be sure that they are the same format etc…):

cat 1.avi 2.avi | mencoder -noidx -ovc copy -oac copy -o output.avi

Here’s a simple command that converts an MPG file to AVI format:

mencoder file.mpg -o file.avi -ovc lavc -oac lavc

-ovc and -oac represent the options for the video and audio codecs that mencoder will use. To find out what video codecs are installed on your system, use mencoder -ovc help and mencoder -oac help.

Suppose you need a file with no compression on the audio part and decide to use PCM. You can specify the type of audio codec you want by using the acodec option:

mencoder file.mpg -o file.avi -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=pcm

When it comes to MP3 compression, you can also choose a bitrate using abitrate:

mencoder file.mpg -o file.avi -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=libmp3lame:abitrate=128

You can use lameopts if you have libmp3lame installed and want to add extra options to the encoding process. You can also create files with variable bit rate audio compression:

mencoder file -o file.avi -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=2:q=3

where q can be any number between 0 and 9.

You can do the same thing with the video part of the file:

mencoder file.mpg -o file.avi -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=libmp3lame:abitrate=128 vcodec=xvid

If you don’t want to use video compression, try vcodec=copy. With that option, the frames will be copied one by one from the source file.

You can use xvid or divx directly, without going through lavc:

mencoder -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -o destination.avi source.avi

If you need customized quality, you can add a few options to the XviD compression:

mencoder -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts bitrate=878 -o destination.avi source.avi

The higher the bitrate, the better quality the video file will be. The downside is a larger file size.

Now let’s get fancy and make an XviD copy of a DVD using two passes. During the first pass, mencoder analyzes the content of the file; on the second pass mencoder encodes the new file based on the information obtained. By using two passes you can produce a better compressed file, but you’ll have to wait a little longer for it, and you’ll probably see CPU usage at 90% during the conversion:

mencoder dvd:// -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=1 -o /dev/null

mencoder dvd:// -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=2:bitrate=800 -o xvidfile.avi

You can use whatever bitrate option you want. If you need to squeeze a DVD into a 700MB XviD file, you could use the following command, which forces the file size of the resulting AVI to 700MB.:

mencoder dvd:// -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts bitrate=-700000 -o file.avi

If you don’t like the CPU being used to the max and want to leave resources for launching other applications, use the nice option, which will run the program with the lowest priority when it comes to process scheduling:

nice -n 19 mencoder dvd:// -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts bitrate=-700000 -o file.avi

Suppose you have a folder full of small video files of different types and would like to merge them into one big movie for easy watching. First, rename them so that they’re in the order you want them to appear in the final video, then use:

mencoder * -o output.avi

If you want to add a particular audio file to a movie, use:

mencoder source.avi -o destination.avi -ovc copy -oac mp3lame -audiofile file.wav (for uncompressed files)

mencoder source.avi -o destination.avi -ovc copy -oac copy -audiofile file.mp3 (for compressed files)

To convert a video file to run on a device running iPodLinux, use:

mencoder -ovc raw -ofps 15 -oac pcm -vf scale=176:-2,expand=176:132,format=bgr16 input.file -o output.avi

This produces a RAW AVI file with uncompressed audio data and scales it so it fits the Nano’s tiny screen perfectly.

I have a Pocket PC that I sometimes bring with me on business trips. I take a couple of movies I haven’t seen in a while and convert them to fit on a 512MB SD card:

mencoder -oac mp3lame -lameopts mode=3:preset=24 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=384:keyint=250 -vop expand=”320:240″ -o outputfile.avi inputfile.avi


mencoder input.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=200:abitrate=48 -vop scale=320:240 -oac copy -o output.avi

The difference here is that the latter command scales the file and the former fills the PDA’s 320×240-pixel screen with the movie.

If you have a webcam and want to record the output, use:

mencoder tv:// -tv driver=v4l:device=/dev/video0:width=640:height=480:forceaudio -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:acodec=mp3 -ffourcc divx -o test.avi

The command records anything output by /dev/video0 in 640×480 resolution, using DivX with MP3 audio as an output result.

As you can see, you can use mencoder to convert almost any type of video file in several ways. It works fast, it works well, and I wouldn’t change it for any other application, be it GUI-friendly or not.

Kindest Regards to Kivilcim Hindistan – from whom I ripped some parts of this tutorial…

Spotify – Listen through a huge catalogue of music online


If you like music and you are lucky enough to live in a country where it is available, you should get an account with Spotify (www.spotify.com).

It contains a huge catalogue of music albums and samplers from most of the major record labels and I’m amazed how many -what I thought, would be- rare tunes can be found there.

If I find out how I can get my playlist published, I will try to do so here.

mySpace Account


I thought that I need some inbound links for my webshop (Badgercomp – a retailer for computer hard and software) and so I decided to give mySpace a go. Afterall, sooner or later all these SNS will huddle together…

Anyhow, I opened an account and here it is: My mySpace profile. I actually thought that this was pretty easy, but it turns out the navigation and features aren’t really as easy and as ‘plug-and’play’ as on facebook.

I also didn’t set up my shop as an endorsed link, simply because I thought that there must be some link to my “website”. I guess some things need to be done manually there…
In the meantime, I will see if there are any cool apps on Blogger that work plug & play…

Switching off the Synaptic touchpad in Linux

If you are anything like me, you will find it annoying that your hand sometimes brushes against the touchpad of your laptop and – bang – the mouse has moved, the courser is misplaced and you have to correct what you have just written on…

Normally switching off the touchpad on laptops is easy, there will be a hotkey, but in Linux you will find not all ACPI options are working well and properly – or at all.

But it can be quite simple switching the touchpad on and off.

We need one step of preperation:

Open your xorg.conf as root (in my distro):
# sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Somewhere there should be this section:

Section “InputDevice”
Identifier “Synaptics Touchpad”
Driver “synaptics”
Option “SendCoreEvents” “true”
Option “Device” “/dev/psaux”
Option “Protocol” “auto-dev”
Option “HorizEdgeScroll” “0”
Option “SHMConfig” “on”

It is important that you have this in there:
Option “SHMConfig” “on”

If that’s done, save and exit.

Next you will need to restart your graphic interface (so xorg.conf get’s loaded again). Simply press CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE

Great, that’s done – now you can do this (as root):
# synclient touchpadoff=1
to switch it off, and:
# synclient touchpadoff=0
to switch it back on…

Kingdom Of Fear

An interesting article I saw in the morning paper, cited that the former head of MI5 warns that British Labour (the party) is using fear of terrorism to restrict our civil liberties and invade our privacy.

I found an article on BBC about here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7893890.stm

‘The Home Office said it was vital to strike a right balance between privacy, protection and sharing personal data.’

The truth is, in the eyes of the state, the right balance is no privacy for the individual. This is something I’ve learned to accept and it’s quite understandable that people won’t start a revolution over what is essentially put into place to protect them.

Nonetheless, I think I will use the opportunity of posting a few tutorials about staying save and ‘private’ on the internet. Afterall, why would I want the government to read and record my emails? I don’t know what they could spin me out of whatever, but my secrets should stay mine. I feel more comfortable this way.

How to change the mouse polling rate in Ubuntu

Changing the mouse polling?

Special Thanks to: Cesare Tirabassi and everyone contributing in this thread

Beginner Tip: You must use sudo when editing these files.
Such as:

 gksudo gedit /etc/modules

Blackmagic’s solution:
Edit /etc/modules

gksudo gedit /etc/modules

Add these two lines onto the end:

-r usbhid
usbhid mousepoll=2


Alternate solution that may work on Feisty (try the first one first):

options usbhid mousepoll=2

on its own line at the end of /etc/modprobe.d/options

and then add


on the end of /etc/modules

Alternate solution that may work on Edgy:

options usbhid mousepoll=2

to /etc/modprobe.d/usbhid

and then add


on its own line at the end of /etc/modules

aidanr’s alternate feisty solution
Create a file at /usr/local/bin/mymousesettings with the following inside:

rmmod usbhid && modprobe usbhid mousepoll=2

or if you want to use lomoco (a program for changing the resolution on Logitech mice) you can use this instead:
(G5 and G7 mice don’t need lomoco because they are software-independant)

sudo apt-get install lomoco

lomoco’s Homepage: http://lomoco.linux-gamers.net/

# -4 for 400 cpi, -8 for 800 cpi, -m for 1200 cpi, -h for 1600 cpi, -g for 2000 cpi
lomoco -h && rmmod usbhid && modprobe usbhid mousepoll=2


After doing either method enter the command

sudo visudo

and replace the line that says

%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL


%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL, NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/mymousesettings

Use Control + O and then hit enter to save and then use Control + X to exit.

Add that command to startup in System –> Preferences –> Sessions by clicking add and then adding

sudo sh /usr/local/bin/mymousesettings

as a new entry.

hanging the mouse polling?

Fixed it with the help of the Gentoo guide:

I added

options usbhid mousepoll=2

to /etc/modprobe.d/usbhid
(using “sudo nano”)

and then I added


on the end of /etc/modules


$ cat /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll

Here are all the mouse polls:

1 = 1000Hz
2 = 500Hz
4 = 250Hz
8 = 125Hz
10 = 100Hz (Default)

OpenArena – the pure fun of playing Quake 3

As a Linux lover, I’m always happy to find games that are a) free and b) cross-platform (that means my non-linux friends can also play with me…

The latest of such games is OpenArena, a 3D First Person Shooter based on the now openly available source code ID Tech 3 (which was Quake 3, lots of COD parts and many more). Aparently the creator of OpenArena took the liverty of also smoothing out some of the bugs of Q3 and the result is an unbelievably rocking experience.

But not enough: the existing mods for Quake 3 (baseq3, OSP, CPMA, …) are working on it too!

Because it’s free it’s still very much played online, I saw a lot of servers and will probably try to get my own dedicated server up in a few days…
The address will be posted here.

For all of you looking for a good online shooter, I can very much recommend OpenArena:

Microsoft Employees Forced Into Op To Make More Evil

Yes, the rumors have been around for quite some time. Since 1998, to be precise. A friend of mine, Dick Scratchy, has recently quit working for the corporation ‘that want’s to dominate the world by eliminating any other operating system’, [sic].

Dick told me how, after successful interviews, he was invited to a private surgery to turn him into a ‘Microsoft Compatible Employee (TM). Little did he know, he received a full anesthetic upon arrival and what happened to his body was blanked from his memory – only traces of the terrible experience remain with him.

Apparently, Microsoft Doctor (TM) removed the sublingual gland from his mouth and replaced it with a venom gland of a king cobra (see picture).

King Cobra poison gland in human mouthMicrosoft, so he Dick tells me, altered his body and installed the poisonous gland to ‘deter enemies of the company and allow their employees to spit blinding poison in the faces of users of other operating systems or also people who are generally unhappy with Microsoft or any of it’s products.’

Poor Dick had a lot of problems with his girlfriend because of the new gland, the two eventually split up.

This clearly illustrates what we all suspected: Microsoft wants to dominate the world. They don’t care about you – the user. User friendliness is an illusion that only used to capture audiences initially. Now, as other operating systems clearly bring better value to the user, they use anything in their power – that includes their vast arsenal of employee resources around the world – to fight their competitors.

Be careful, never trust Microsoft and if anyone near you identifies themselves as an employee of said company – destroy their jaw! It’s where the poisonous gland sits!

Some god be with us!

Office 2007 Installer – The windows installer service cannot update one or more protected windows files.

FIX: Office 2007 Installer – The windows installer service cannot update one or more protected windows files.

I came across an interesting dilema just now trying to install Office 2007.

Before actually starting to install the product the setup stalled with:

The windows installer service cannot update one or more protected windows files.

I was a little stunned, this is clean installed box. So I checked the Event Viewer:

Product: Microsoft Software Update for Web Folders  (English) 12 -- Error 1933.

The Windows Installer service cannot update one or more protected Windows files. SFP Error: -536870654.

List of protected files:rnc:program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedweb server extensions40binfp4autl.dll

Ah ok, this is a customised installation of windows (I’ll post how this happend later) and its looking for the frontpage extensions which (in this install) doesnt exist. So how to fix? Simple, download a copy of the missing file from DllDump, place it into the c:program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedweb server extensions40bin folder and retry installation!