This evening I thought I finally give installing Office 2007 another go. Not that I don’t like OpenOffice, but I often deal with files that have more than 65k lines…
I am no fan of Microsoft, but I must admit that the Office suite was always great. Probably that’s why it’s the only non native software that’s made it to the Mac…
I also got quite used to using the ribbon and it’s visually very pretty to work with MS.
So, I read that you should use an older wine version, namely 1.1.14, but I also read on the wine site that everything above 1.1.3 should also be suitable, so I will get the latest wine version Synaptic can find (which is 1.1.38). I will also install wine-gecko and I know we will need cabextract… The package manager thinks it’s wise to install a few other packages to, so here we go!
Good news: so far so good..
it starts the installation and asks for product key…
off to choose the programmes…
and the installation proceeds… (the installation is anything but quick…)
For the next step we need winetricks:
Get it by:
sudo wget
So now we should be able to install a few windows repositories:
sh winetricks corefonts tahoma vcrun2005sp1 wsh56js
This will ask you a few time if it’s OK to install certain things and once completed, you need to configure wine:
Find the libaries tab and add to new overrides:
riched20 & usp10
both will need the ‘Native (Windows)’ button ticked.
And off we go!
It installed in fine and it runs fine. Here is a screenshot: