even if buying 2-3 nat storage devices, i think i’d still run our of space eventually.
so i do compress flac files after a while. but doing a whole album that is correctly labelled and tagged can be tricky. you don’t want to use some software that renames the files or changes the tagging…
linux is very supportive for doing things like that via the command line:
what you need is avconv and lame. avconv is a very fast video and audio converter. it can use libmp3lame to encode to mp3. because avconv can also convert and optimise video files, you can use it the same way to strip mp3s from video files, such as music videos or stuff you downloaded from youtube. but this post is about mp3s.
lame ain’t an mp3 encoder, but it simply is the best of them.
the command line argument to convert all flac files to mp3s in one folder is:
for file in *.flac; do n=$(basename “$file” .flac); avconv -i “$file” -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 “$n”.mp3; done
if you want to convert from a different format, simply exchange the “.flag” to a “.wav”, “.mp4”, “.swf” or whatever the source file might be.