I do use my home computer for various things while I’m out. The more important ones features for me are SSH / SFTP and Subsonic, but I also keep Transmission, the default ubuntu bitTorrent client, running throughout the day.
So it does happen, that files are being uploaded or downloaded, while I would like to use the available bandwidth otherwise.
Along comes Transdroid…
With transdroid you can control your torrent client remotely, set download limits, delete or pause and resume torrent down and uploads.
But it does one important other thing: it allows you to find and add torrent files. Search for some (if not all) the popular torrent search engines is already build in. All you need to do is select it.
If you are often away from your computer when you remember that you should actually be downloading something, or restrict downloading of a torrent, then this Android app will be of great valuable to you. Here is the QR code to download Transdroid from the Android market it right away: