More and more sponsored content on facebook

I logged into facebook today to see how Myko was getting on yesterday (he was on a UK game show).

Unfortunately, facebook is taken over by useless ‘like’ messages. All I can see is this guy likes Heinz Beans, this girl like Burberry, someone else likes Coca-Cola, Amazon,…

Is there something wrong with me that I don’t care what sh*t you people like? Or something with other people that need to tell everyone when they like something so trivial and unimportant like a brand? it makes me wonder how much people really like beans? A lot more than me?

Or could it be facebook being incredibly desperate to get some kind of advertising revenue that they swamp us with this nonsense? Unfortunately I seem to be unable to opt-out of these ‘This c*nt likes that sh*t’ messages.

Am I the only person that is bothered by all the adverts that are being communicated out to me? The way that this is done is also incredibly subliminal – first there were few messages here and there, now it’s everywhere and meant to be adapted by us all.

I have never been a ‘fan’ of facebook, but I’m getting increasingly turned off by the whole ordeal.